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Charmayne I. Paul

(B. Psych. Hons; Grad. Cert.)

ABN: 53 772 239 596



Professional Development completion (link TBA)

Grad. Cert. Tertiary Teaching & Development, USQ, 2011
TESOL, LinguaEdge UK, 2010
B. Psych (Hons.), JCU Cairns, 2003
Cairns State High School, Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, 1987



Golden Key International Honor Society, 2001


Relevant Work History 

Psych n Stats Tutor (2006-current), tertiary teaching and tutoring, undergrad and post-grad
Various Australian universities (2019-current). Academic casual
TutorABC (2017-2019). Online English language tutor

Reuse and Recycle, Cairns (2011-2014). Founder, CEO and Project Manager for work-for-the-dole, & outreach

Microsoft Italy and Turkey, (2009-2010). Online English language tutor

GMA Education and Tours (2009). English Language tutor

SEFYS Consulting and Training, Ministry of Spain (2006-2007). English language exam development

JCU Cairns (2003-2005). Academic casual

JCU Cairns (2001-2003). Research assistant


Contributions & Publications

Alkan et al. (2022). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationships among post-secondary students' attitudes toward statistics and statistics achievement: A protocol. Social Science Protocols, (April), 1-9.

Barron Falls: Site level data report (2001, 2002). Cairns Rainforest Centre (CRS)

The Relationship Between Time on Task and Indoor Navigation Self-Efficacy (2005). Poster presentation at the 35th Society of Australasian Social Psychologists (SASP) Conference, Townsville, QLD Australia

Cape York Fire Management Project: Range lands Survey Report (2008). Cape York Peninsula Development Association (CYPDA)

Bike About Cairns: ESL Workbook (2009).

Youth Care 4 Country (2012). Reuse and Recycle, Cairns



Hobby farm harvesting, crafting recyclable treasures, hiking, and masterminding my world domination.





















Kahlpahlim Rock, Far North QLD.webp

Kahlpahlim Rock, FNQ

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