Charmayne Paul3 days agoStudent LifeStudy with Me 1: Free 'study alongside each other' eveningWeekly 2h Zoom session on Wednesdays, 6-8pm AEST Message me for the Zoom link, using the Let's Chat button (bottom right of the screen).
Charmayne PaulSep 7Critcal ThinkingTutorial Summary for Effective Learning #1: StrategiesClassical critical thinking and scholastic notes On days like this, when I've been as busy as can be at work, on work, and off work (=...
psychnstatstutor Chart your course to successAug 2830-Day Psych Subject Review ChallengeEmbodied learning for scholars who strive Updated a learning resource I put together a few years ago  Modify to suit your coursework!...
Charmayne PaulAug 24Thesis Support Group: For Psych NerdsI’m hosting weekly Thesis support groups for psychology students. Set goals, stay on track, share resources, and engage in valuable...
Charmayne PaulAug 19Predictive Strength, Not Consensus Models: Scientific Method #1The Cornerstone of Science The Broken Science Initiative is an scientific-method-focused organisation I listen to regularly on ytube....